- High yielding hybrid with excellent drought tolerance
- Girthy ear type with a fast drydown
- Very good emergence and seedling vigor suited for reduced tillage systems
- Best in variable to high yield environments with excellent response to fungicides
- Well adapted to the central and eastern corn belt
- Grain RM: 104
- GDU - Black Layer: 2588
- GDU - Mid Silk: 1322
“Genetics and genetic diversity are a big part of our corn line-up. Our high-performing conventional hybrids and hybrids with traits come from multiple sources, giving us the ability to offer the right hybrids that can be placed on the right soils and in the right environments.”
Jim Wold
Legacy Seed Corn and Soybean Product Manager
Product Details
Grain & Ear Characteristics
Ear Type | SF |
Ear Height | M |
Cob Color | R |
Kernel Rows | 18-20 |
Test Weight | 3 |
Dry Down | 1 |
Disease Ratings
Northern Leaf Blight | 2 |
Gray Leaf Spot | 3 |
Goss' Wilt | 3 |
Anthracnose Stalk Rot | 1 |
Tar Spot | 3 |
Agronomic & Plant Characteristics
Planting Rate 1000's | 32-38 |
Emergence | 2 |
Plant Height | M |
Ear Height | M |
Flowering for Maturity | 3 |
Seedling Vigor | 2 |
Stalk Strength | 3 |
Root Strength | 3 |
Staygreen | 3 |
Greensnap | 3 |
Fall Appearance | 3 |
Drought Tolerance | 1 |
Product Positioning
Fungicide Response | 2 |
Ideal Yield - Irrigated Environments | 1 |
Variable Yield Environments | 1 |
Tough Yield - Stress Environments | 3 |
Corn Following Corn | 1 |
My Notes
Ratings: 1 = Excellent | 2 = Very Good | 3 = Good/Average | 4 = Fair | 5 = Poor NA = Not Available or Non Applicable
Yield Environments: 1 = Highly Recommended | 2 = Recommended | 3 = Acceptable | 4 = Use Caution | 5 = Not Recommended
Flowering for Maturity: 1 = Very Early | 2 - Early | 3 = Medium | 4 = Late | 5 = Very Late
Plant Height: MS = Medium Short | M = Medium | MT = Medium-Tall | T = Tall | S = Short
Ear Type: G = Girthy | M = Medium | MG = Medium Girthy | MS = Medium Slender | ML = Medium Long | L = Long
Cob Color: R = Red | W = White | P = Pink
Ear Height: L= Low | ML = Medium-Low | M = Medium | MH = Medium-High | H = High
Ear Flex: F = Fixed | SF = Semi-Flex | FL = Flex | SD = Semi-Determinate | D = Determinate
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