Forage University
Legacy Seeds' Forage University

Customized Forage Solutions for your Farm
Forage University is designed to help you take advantage of every aspect of alfalfa, corn silage and triticale on your farm to increase sales.
Our industry-leading line-up includes Ration Choice corn, Legacy Seeds brand alfalfa, and TriCal Superior Forage triticale.
Legacy Seeds’ Ration Choice® corn is designed for optimal herd health and profitability for your operation. Our hybrids are designed to precisely meet the needs of dairy and livestock, depending on the unique factors of your farm. Our silage corn keeps animal performance and acre flexibility in mind. If you are looking to obtain more milk per ton and more milk per acre, look no further than Ration Choice®.
Alfalfa is an incredible source of nutrition for cattle, and makes an efficient addition to your forage. Legacy Seeds alfalfa provides top yields, outstanding persistence, and high quality. Our team works with agronomists and nutritionists to help you select the right hybrids for your herd, depending on the specific conditions you need to deal with.
Triticale was originally developed by crossing wheat and rye. Triticale is a hardy crop with prolific growth and adaptation to various environmental conditions. It combines the hardiness and nutrient-use efficiency of rye and high grain yield and nutritional qualities of wheat. Improved triticale cultivars produce greater biomass and grain yield than traditional forage wheat. This makes triticale a viable alternative crop especially in nutrient-deficient environments with various biotic and abiotic stress factors. TriCal® Superior Forage offers industry leading triticale for your forage needs.
2024 Legacy Seeds Forage University Resources
- Alfalfa economics and rotation benefits
- Alfalfa breeding and diseases
- Alfalfa management
- Alfalfa data
- Alfalfa agronomy
- Ration Choice
- Forage University – MN
- Forage University WI
- Harvest management
- TriCal Superior Forage