

  • High milk per acre hybrid
  • High starch content hybrid with very good starch digestibility
  • Strong yields over a wide area
  • Responds to top management
  • Silage RM: 94
  • Grain RM: 99

Product Details

Silage Quality and Forage Characteristics

Cob ColorR
Ear TypeSF
Plant HeightT
Kernal TextureMH
Crude Protein1
Fiber Digestibility
Starch Content2
Starch Digestibility2

Agronomic Characteristics

Seedling Vigor3
Stalk Rating2
Root Rating2
Drought Tolerance2
Planting Rate 1000's30-36
Fungicide Response2

Product Positioning

Ideal Yield Environment1
Variable Yield Environment1
Tough Yield Environment3

My Notes


Ratings: 1 = Excellent | 2 = Very Good | 3 = Good | 4 = Fair | 5 = Poor NA = Not Available
Silage Concept: FA = Flexible Acre | LFY = Leafy | BMR = Brown Mid Rib
Cob Color: R = Red | P = Pink | W = White
Ear Type: FL = Flex | SF = Semi-Flex | F = Fixed | SD = Semi-Determinate
Plant Height: M = Medium | MT = Medium-Tall | T = Tall | VT = Very Tall
Kernel Texture: M = Medium | MH = Medium-Hard | S = Soft | MS = Medium-Soft
Fungicide Response: 1 = High | 2 = Moderately High | 3 = Moderate | 4 = Fair | 5 = Little or No Response
Yield Environments: 1 = Highly Recommended | 2 = Recommended | 3 = Acceptable | 4 = Use Caution | 5 = Not Recommended

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