
Wheat and Other Seeds

Bred specifically to thrive through Wisconsin winters

At Legacy Seeds, we focus our soft red wheat variety selection based on great yields in both straw and grain. We select varieties with excellent winter hardiness to not only survive but to thrive in Wisconsin. Our varieties offer toughness in variable soil conditions to maximize yield in low, medium, and high yield environments, plus all our varieties carry the FHB1 gene to maximize disease resistance.

We select from the best genetics available in the market and work hard to always bring the latest high yielding varieties to your farm. Being in a dairy state ,we pride ourselves on selecting wheat with the best standability so we can utilize dairy manure without worry of lodging wheat come harvest time.

Our small seed forage lineup is designed to help farmers maximize forage production throughout a variety of soil types and growing conditions. We look forward to helping select the correct forage mix to help growers utilize their forage production acres to the maximum potential, and have solutions for growers looking to produce dry hay, haylage, baleage, and/or high production pastures. We can utilize grass, grass + legume mix, or pure legume stands, with two excellent turf mixes as well for any lawn seed needs.

“Legacy wheat has provided us with great grain and straw yields consistently for many years—it’s the best around, even in poor weather years. It seems like all the neighbors are eager to buy our straw; everyone likes the yield and quality it delivers.”

Bradley Fisher, Fisher Farms, Omro, WI

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Creating your customized seed guide couldn't be simpler. Follow the steps below and be sure to give us a call if you have any questions — 866-791-6390.

Add products and performance data to your guide one of two ways:
  1. FROM HYBRID/PERFORMANCE PAGE: Use the toggle switch to the left of the product/cooperator name in the hybrid or performance table.
  2. FROM PRODUCT PAGE: Add any desired notes on bottom of the tech sheet, then click 'save'. Click the orange 'Add to My Guide' button at the top of the product tech sheet page.
Download your guide:
  • Click the orange Download My Guide button towards the top of any hybrid, performance or product page.
  • Review data and notes as needed.
  • Enter your name, email and phone number.
  • Click 'Download My Guide' to export your customized PDF guide.
Add to GuideProductMaturityHead TypePlant TypeTest WeightStandabilityWinter-HardinessScabView Details
LW-2021Medium EarlyAwnlessMT2.
MaturityMedium Early
Head TypeAwnless
Plant HeightMT
Test Weight2.0
Winter Hardiness1.0
LW-2023Medium to Medium-Late MaturityAwnedM2.
MaturityMedium to Medium-Late Maturity
Head TypeAwned
Plant HeightM
Test Weight2.2
Winter Hardiness1.0
LW-2026Medium LateAwnedM2.01.823
MaturityMedium Late
Head TypeAwned
Plant HeightM
Test Weight2.0
Winter Hardiness2
LW-SP38Medium EarlyAwnlessM2.
MaturityMedium Early
Head TypeAwnless
Plant HeightM
Test Weight2.4
Winter Hardiness2.8

Wheat Rating Index: 1 = Best | 5 = Worst

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