

Building the Nurseries  

transplanting alfalfa

In the greenhouse  Every winter we tinker away in the greenhouses, testing our newest experimental alfalfa varieties against all the major alfalfa diseases (see “Winter in the Greenhouse” for more).

Spring and Early Summer Forecast

planalytics logo

Planalytics updated their forecast for spring planting and there was little change from the original forecast issued in February. La Nina has finally moved to ENSO cool neutral after three

Are you ready for Spring?

Tractor plowing a field in spring

As we look ahead to warmer weather, there are a few things we can do to prepare: Planter Maintenance Now is the time to inspect the whole planter. Do any

What is your soil missing?

handful of gypsum

As we come into March, many of us who farm are looking at an increasingly bearish market on corn and soy futures. Inputs that were very high (when many of

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