
Nithya Mani

Harvesting Alfalfa, Harvesting Data


As a Plant Breeder, one of the biggest “crops” that I harvest is data. From May until September, the primary data point that I am collecting is yield. Our alfalfa

Late-Summer Seeding Alfalfa


Late-Summer Seeding Alfalfa: A Viable Practice While many producers prefer spring seeded alfalfa, certain soil types or excessive spring rainfall may cause Midwestern producers to postpone spring planting alfalfa. Instead

Planting Date Vs Yield Potential

RC PLant

Throughout the Midwest, this spring has been mired with adverse weather conditions. As of Monday 5/23/22, progress reports in Iowa place the expected corn crop at 86% complete and soybeans

NCGA Corn Yield Contest

NATIONAL corn growers association

Each year the National Corn Gowers Association (NCGA) has held yield contests for various states and tillage classes (See contest rules). Legacy Seeds is a proud supporter of the NCGA

Selecting the Next Generation

Holding up parent alfalfa plant

As winter slowly fades into spring, the first major task we do as field season begins is dig up plants from our established nurseries. Digging up plants is a time

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