

World Forage Analysis Superbowl 

world forage analysis suberbowl logo

Open for entries  The countdown for the World Dairy Expo is on.   One of our favorite elements of the World Dairy Expo is the World Forage Analysis Superbowl. The World

UW – Soybean Performance Results

Soybean Harvest

University of Wisconsin Soybean Variety Performance Trials 2022 The Department of Agronomy College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin – Madison released their Soybean Variety Performance

NAFA Releases 2023 Alfalfa Variety Ratings

NAFA Alfalfa Ratings 2023

National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance releases their Alfalfa Variety Ratings – Winter Survival, Fall Dormancy & Pest Resistant Ratings for Alfalfa Varieties Legacy Seeds proudly supports the Nation Alfalfa &

Actionable Weather Forecast

Reality and winter have set in. The warm fall harvest has finally moved to a cold winter start. For the deer hunters, perfect weather to sit outside and enjoy nature.

Tar Spot & White Mold…

Soybean Flower

As we get closer to fall, the days are getting shorter and 90-plus degree days are getting numbered. The nights are getting cooler, and many have noticed that the morning

Harvesting Alfalfa, Harvesting Data


As a Plant Breeder, one of the biggest “crops” that I harvest is data. From May until September, the primary data point that I am collecting is yield. Our alfalfa

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