
Soybean Agronomy


The most important step to maximizing your Return on Investment (ROI) in soybean production is selecting the right variety(s) and soybean system for your farm. There are many variables that come into play when selecting soybeans. With a growing weed spectrum that is becoming more resistance to using a one pass, above ground herbicide program, there is a need for multiple modes of action systems and Legacy Seeds can offer that to our customers. We also offer high yielding conventional soybeans as another solution to your farming operation.

At Legacy Seeds our soybean portfolio is focused on genetics first that will offer high yields but also strong disease packages to give added protection. Legacy Seeds draws from a large pool of genetics that are bred and built for our customers. In Wisconsin and Michigan, we have a need for white mold, brown stem rot, PRR and cyst nematode protection. In North Dakota, we have needs for cyst nematode, IDC, white mold and PRR protection. In all geographies we have needs for more comprehensive herbicide solutions to combat resistant weeds. Legacy Seeds can offer our customers the best system that will fit your farm. Along with great genetics and trait solutions, we have a top of the line seed treatment system called L-Coat Total. The L-Coat Total system contains multiple insecticides, fungicides, inoculant and biologicals to help you establish healthy stands and to protect against stresses to the soybean plant.

Talk with a Legacy Sales Representative or dealer today, they are fully trained and experienced to provide the right solutions for your farm.

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